
WLGFL & PDPL join Inter League Cup competition

West Lancs Girls Football League and Poulton & District Primary League have both signed up to the Inter League Cup Competition

Over the past few weeks the WLGFL and the PDPL have provided a unique opportunity for their Girls teams.

This new opportunity will allow them to experience new opportunities and meet new teams, whilst also making new friends with an Inter-League Cup Competition.This has been a first for Lancashire and involves all of the teams within the leagues.

It has been warmly received and has knocked down barriers and encouraged cross county working between two of our FA Charter Standard Youth Leagues.

Chris Morton, Girls Secretary of the PDPL said “The Girls section of the PDPL is a very new venture, having only been created 18 months ago on the Fylde Coast. We started off with only two teams and now we are up to 15 teams from Clubs on the Fylde and in the Garstang/Preston area."

"We have seen Girls play against teams they potentially may never have played against and all the parents and spectators on the sidelines have enjoyed the experience immensely."

"Going forward, I am hoping that this is the start of a firm partnership whereby each year we can introduce a new Cup fixture format that will eventually run right the way to U16's football."

"It has been nothing but positive and I look forward to the Finals Day at Chorley FC's stadium later in the year!"

Michael Nadal, Football Development Officer at Lancashire FA said “This project was born out of some simple communication between the leagues and a collective willingness to grow the Female Game and provide new experiences- it’s been a great start for all involved and I’m sure there are further ways that the opportunity can be enhanced in the future. Many of the smiles on the faces of the players on the photo’s shows what a success it has been”

You can find more about each league below:

Poulton primary league

poulton district primary league

west lancs girls football league