Playing Pitch Strategies
Key partners and Local Council’s develop PPS’ to set out how Council and their partners can secure access to high quality opportunities for sport and recreation to ensure associated planning policies are based on robust and up-to-date assessment of the needs for sports and opportunities for new provision.
Local Councils can commission the production of a Playing Pitch Assessment and Strategy. The aim of the assessment and strategy is to identify current levels of playing pitch provision across public, private, education and voluntary sectors; in terms of quantity and quality.
PPS’ set out actions and recommendations to maintain and improve the future delivery of sports pitches (playing fields) and associated sports facilities. The strategy covers the sports of Football, Cricket, Hockey, Bowls, Rugby Union and Rugby League.
The Playing Pitch Strategies Assessment Report
• Summarises the current supply of facilities
• Outlines current demand and evaluates projected demand
• Evaluates the overall adequacy of provision to meet current and projected future demand
• identifies the key issues and sets out strategic priorities and actions for the Playing Pitch Strategy to address
The assessments are comprehensive sport-by-sport document providing an understanding of the spatial distribution, supply and demand by each of the council's sub-areas.
Please consult your Local Council’s website to see if they have commissioned a PPS.