
Player Registration Webinars

A guide to help you through the process

Thanks to the continued commitment between The FA and County FA's to improve the administration experience of grassroots football, online player registration has been made available to all grassroots leagues and clubs.

The new functionality allows clubs to store player information on the Whole Game System and submit these to their respective league each season.When player information has been added to the system, it remains there for annual registration before the start of each season, significantly reducing administration time for club volunteers and removing the requirement for repeat paper forms.

The FA will be holding a series of webinars throughout July to help clubs and leagues with their Player Registrations.

Player Registration Webinars will be held every Monday and Wednesday starting from 2 July for four weeks – the link to the WebEx and the access codes can be found below:

Player Registration Demo

  • Every Monday and Wednesday, from Monday, July 2 2018 to Wednesday, July 25 2018
  • 7pm to 8pm
  •  Meeting number (access code): 844 270 552
  • Meeting password: 1234

The FA will also be available online on a Tuesday evening (from 3 July for four weeks) from 7pm for a Player Registration Surgery when clubs and leagues can access the Webinar to ask any questions they have on the process and discuss any issues they may be having – details of the surgery can be seen below.

Player Registration Surgery

  • Every Tuesday from July 3 2018 to July 24 2018 
  • 7pm to 8pm
  • Click here to access
  •  Meeting number (access code): 848 863 624
  • Meeting password: 1234

Access the online training video by clicking here.