
New Campaign Announced to Help Raise Awareness of Child Exploitation

Lancashire FA is proud to support the #ItsNotOk campaign.


Set up by Cumbria Police and Cumbria Safeguarding Children’s Partnership, the new campaign aims to raise awareness of child exploitation within the Cumbrian community by using the positive power of sport.

The campaign is launching a competition where teams will be asked to submit a team photo that shows the participants turning their backs to promote the campaign's tagline of ‘It’s Not Ok to Turn Your Back on Child Exploitation.

The Competition Is Being Run Online and is supported by the Cumberland FA, Lancashire FA And Westmorland FA.

Open to all football teams across Cumbria, entries can be submitted throughout September 2021. Teams can post their entries onto their social media accounts and will need to include the hashtags #ItsNotOktoturnyourbackonexploitation #Itsnotok. You will also need to tag @CumbriaPolice and @CumbriaSCP on Twitter or @CumbriaCops on Instagram.

This image is a representation of them taking a stand against child exploitation by raising awareness through the competition and pledging not to turn their backs should they have concerns.

The winners will be announced via the CSCP Twitter account in October 2021 and will receive a team Nike Park VII strip sponsored by the It’s Not Ok campaign.

Through this competition, parents and caregivers are being encouraged, regardless of whether their child’s team enters the competition or not, to discuss what child exploitation is, with their child (if deemed age appropriate by parent/care giver), and what to do if they are concerned about themselves or a friend.

• Information on child exploitation for young people can be found at: Child trafficking | Childline
• Information for parents and care givers can be found at: Child Sexual Exploitation & How to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC
• A wealth of material for adults and young people can also be found by visiting or by searching #ItsNotOk on Cumbria Police’s social media channels.

The It’s Not Ok campaign, was initiated in October 2020, to raise awareness of child exploitation within the Cumbrian community. It has provided accessible resources on child exploitation to increase understanding and confidence in the public, to speak up if they have concerns regarding a potential victim or offender.

Child exploitation includes a range of exploitive crimes against children, such as sexual and criminal exploitation which includes modern day slavery and county lines drugs trafficking.

Exploitation affects young people of all ages and can happen anywhere. There are children as young as ten in Cumbria, who are being put in danger by criminals exploiting their vulnerability.

Detective Inspector Matt Belshaw, a public protection unit lead for Cumbria Constabulary and CSCP board member said:

“Child exploitation can devastate a young person’s life, negatively changing their course completely. That is why the It’s Not Ok campaign is so important.

“It is incredible to have the three local County FA’s support for this campaign and competition. Their work positively impacts the lives of thousands of people. With their support the campaign’s message will reach more people using the power of sport.

“We need to keep raising awareness about this awful crime. Giving people knowledge and understanding can increase their confidence in speaking out.

“Anyone and everyone has the potential to recognise the signs of a young person who may be being exploited and to also identify those who will or are exploiting others.

“This competition is a great opportunity to further increase awareness on Child Exploitation and the signs within the public, especially young people.

“If you have concerns about exploitation effecting yourself or someone you know, then I would urge you to contact the police or the NSPCC. You could also speak to your parents, a teacher, coach or an adult you trust. Please don’t turn your back though, we can all help to stop child exploitation.”

About The Competition

To enter the competition, football teams are asked to highlight that ‘It’s Not OK’ to turn your back on ‘child exploitation and to take a stand, by taking a picture of your team/players with their backs turned or turning their backs.

Please note, to allow for any permissions concerns or absences, the picture need to include more than half of a team’s players to be accepted.

The full team is encouraged to take part where possible.

Pictures should then be uploaded to social media on the teams Twitter or Instagram accounts using the hashtags #Itsnotoktoturnyourbackonexploitation and #Itsnotok and tagging @CumbriaPolice and @CumbriaSCP on Twitter or @CumbriaCops on Instagram.

Entries can be uploaded throughout September 2021 and the winner will be announced via the CSCP Twitter account @CumbriaSCP by October 10th.

• Becoming isolated and spending little time with family or friends
• Physical signs of abuse
• Alcohol or drug misuse
• Being frightened of some people, places or situations
• Bring secretive
• Sharp changes in mood or character
• Having money or things they can't or won't explain
• Travelling alone, particularly in school hours, late at night or frequently
• Being instructed or controlled by another individual
• Looking lost or in unfamiliar surroundings
• Being prevented from working or going to school or college or feeling reluctant to go to school
• Persistent changes to a child's mood or behaviour can also be a sign that something's wrong

• Unhealthy or inappropriate sexual behaviour
• Sexually transmitted infections
• Pregnancy

If you have concerns that a child might be being exploited, contact the NSPCC helpline for support and advice for free on 0808 800 5000.
Children can contact ChildLine on 0800 1111.

To report a crime, contact police via 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency.

Each Local County FA Has A Designated Safeguarding E-Mail Address For Football Matters:

Terms and conditions of the competition can be found here